Hi, I'm Somtochukwu Ezerioha.

A Front-End Web Developer
My Work  
  • About Me

    Somto Ezerioha

    Who Am I

    I'm a Front-End Developer in Nigeria. I have a flair for UI design, animations, creating dynamic user experiences and testing out new technologies and innovative ideas

  • Skills

    HTML5 (70%)
    CSS 3 (70%)
    JavaScript (70%)
    VueJS (70%)
    React (70%)
    Python (50%)
    Node.js (50%)
    UI Design (60%)


Quiz App


A regular quiz app with random questions

VueJS Bootstrap-vue OpentdbAPI View code
Shopping Cart


An online shopping website/cart with checkout capabilities

Vue.js Vue-router VueX Bootstrap-vue View code
Todo App

Todo List

A todo list built without any CSS framework

Vue.js Vue-router JSONPlaceholderAPI View code

Let's connect

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